Webinar "Agriculture with a future": healthy eating habits

The organisation "Agriculture with a future" is organising a webinar on healthy eating habits. In his introductory speech, the president or NRP 69, Prof. Fred Paccaud ,will introduce the key results and recommendations of NRP 69. This will be followed by discussions in groups.

Start27.11.2020 18:00
End27.11.2020 19:30
Registration deadline27.11.2020

"How can we promote healthy nutrition ‘from the pitchfork to the table fork’? From seeds to compost?" This question is at the heart of the webinar organised by "Agriculture with a future". In the opening presentation, representatives of the National Research Programme "Healthy Nutrition and Sustainable Food Production" (NRP 69) will introduce the key results and recommendations of the programme.

The following discussions will focus on topics such as interfaces between food production and health, agricultural policy, and involving consumers in nutrition policy.

All interested parties are invited to participate.